If you want to throw a dance theme party but you are not sure what type, consider throwing a swing dance party. Swing dancing is gaining a resurgence of popularity from coast to coast. Of course, there are lots of different styles of swing and lots of different styles of swing music so you may want to look into what is available in your area before determining exactly what type of swing party you will be hosting.

After you determine the guest list, you will want to spend a lot of consideration in selecting where you will hold the swing party and who will provide the music for it. You will want to be certain that your DJ has enough 40s-style swing music to make it worth your time to hire him. Also, consider hiring a dance instructor to give a simple dance lesson to the guests, especially if you are hosting pre-teen or teen age guests. Your guests will have seen swing dancing on television and in movies, but will really not have a full appreciation for the concept until they understand what swing dancing really is.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/396826